Combo Reward and Raising

Combo Reward and Raising

During a game session, a player may commit more capital as entry fee to get more gems for greater risk but also greater potential return. This action is called "raising". A player is given an opportunity to raise only when a player wins a combo reward.

Combo Reward

Combo rewards are a way for players to get additional resources through spending cards. A reward is sent out every 2 rounds. Each reward may be one of the four with 25% chance each: 3 infantries, 1 tank, 4-8 gold, 2-4 tanks. The reward for the next reward is displayed on the Combo Reward Panel in advance.

Every time a player uses cards in production, the Combo Reward Panel compares the used combo with the current top combo since the last reward round. Then, when the next reward round comes, the player who have used the top combo gets the corresponding bonus card (e.g. a tank card). A bonus card may be used anytime in the rest of the session to instantly spawn troops of the particular troop class and amount anywhere on the player’s territory.

Combos are ranked in the following manner:

  • Combo type: 3-card straight flush > three of a kind > 3-card flush/straight > pair
  • If tied, the top rank card of each combo is compared.
  • If still tied, the combos are ranked equally and both players get the combo reward.

For example, 3♥️3♠️3♣️ (three of a kind) is ranked higher than K♦️3♦️2♦️ (flush), which is higher than Q♥️J♥️10♦️ (straight), which is higher than A♠️A♠️ (pair).

Edge case: The Ace in an A23 straight is treated as the lowest card rather than the highest, compared to any other card combos. For example, an A♠️2♠️3♣️ (straight) is ranked lower than a K♦️J♦️5♦️ (flush) because the Ace is a low card in this case.


Every time a combo reward is won, the player also gains an opportunity to raise (with the option of not doing so) their entry fee. If the player decides to raise, they mint 2 additional gems, and each one costs 15% of the lowest pre-game bid. After each raise, the cost per raise increments by 15%.

Example: If the lowest bid is 100 Sparks (from Purple), the first time a player raises, they pay 2 gems * 15% * 100 min buy-in = 30 Sparks. Next time, the unit price of a gem rises to 30%. To mint 2 gems, the player will need to commit an additional 60 Sparks as entry fee.