
Movement of troops among your own tiles is important for both offensive and defensive purposes.

To move troops, first select the source tile. If you only wish to split out a part of troops on a tile to move, update your selection in the Movement Panel that shows up to the right of the map. Then, drag the tile onto the destination tile, which should flash blue if it is a valid destination for movement. All units which can move in Duper have the same speed.

A few rules about movement:

  • A player may only move their own units within their own tiles.
  • Players may split troops on a tile when moving them (e.g. moving 1 infantry and 3 planes out of 5 infantries and 5 planes on a tile).
  • Troops must move one tile at a time. This means that they cannot move onto an owned tile through an enemy tile. Planes are an exception to this.