
Talents come from buildings. Talents unlock powerful abilities for players that give them an edge in the game. Below are the talent classes in Duper:

Talent ClassAbility
Economisttrade with non-adjacent players unlocked + 1 extra gold yield per round + ability to host Economic Conference
Plane ResearcherPlayer gets 1 free plane
Fort ResearcherPlayer gets 1 free fort

A player may research 1 of 3 talent classes in a newly built research center, provided that the player does not already have another research center dedicated to the same talent class. For example, if a player already has 2 plane research centers (presumably, 1 of them is taken from another player because the player cannot have built 2 plane research centers) and 1 economy research center, the player may only build 1 more research center and can only choose fort researcher as the talent type.

A player's first talent class takes 2 rounds to activate; second takes 4 rounds; third takes 5 rounds. This is not affected by how many research centers of the same talent class the player may have conquered from other players. In the above case, the fort researcher would take 5 rounds to activate.

Economic Conference

A player with an active economist may host an Economic Conference: spending a required combo of cards (pair, flush, straight, and finally three of a kind) to get 5 gold. A player may only host an economic conference four times.