Gold and cards are the main production resources, and gems are the main diplomatic resource. All are critical for both winning and earning in Duper.
Gold is involved in nearly all productions in Duper. It is primarily generated from capitals, level-3 tiles, and economists as below.
Entity | Gold Yield Per Round for Owner |
Capital lv1 | 3 |
Capital lv2 | 4 |
Capital lv3 | 6 |
Tile lv3 | 1 |
Economist | 1 |
There is exactly 1 deck of 52 Poker cards in a session. Each card has a unique combination of suit (♣️, ♦️, ♠️, ♥️) and rank (2-10, J, Q, K, A). Cards are neither created nor destroyed. Cards discarded in a particular round build up in a discard pile and get reshuffled into the dealing deck when the round ends.
Cards are used in combos in many high-class productions. The combos in Duper are different from those in actual Poker games. Below are all combos used in Duper:
- Pair: 2 cards with the same rank
- 3-card straight: 3 cards with gap-1 ranks (e.g. 9 10 J)
- Note: Ace can connect with 2 and 3 upward or with K and Q downward, but not between K and 2.
- 3-card flush: 3 cards with the same suit
- Three of a kind: 3 cards with the same rank
- 3-card straight flush: 3 cards with the same suit and also with adjacent ranks (e.g. 4♦️, 5♦️, 6♦️)
- Four of a kind: 4 cards with the same rank
- 5-card straight flush: 5 cards with the same suit and also with adjacent ranks (e.g. 4♦️, 5♦️, 6♦️, 7♦️, 8♦️)
Each non-dealer player starts with 5 gems; the dealer starts with 6 gems. Gems are never destroyed, but players may mint new ones if they raise.
Gems are the sole resource used to determine payouts. Holding gems also provides 2 defense buff in defense against the minter in a potential battle.
You get other players' gems via trading or eliminating them in a battle. To mint more of your own colored gems, you can raise.