

The Duper progression system gives honorary avatar frames and unlocks exclusive benefits for Season Pass holders based on their Status.

XP and Status

Note: Status is purely a function of gameplay and Chip balance, and is not tied to performance like typical game ranking systems.

XP Calculation

XP is the basic unit of progression. In Season IV, there is a max 8,000 XP displayed on the progression bar; extra potion still counts but is not displayed.

There are two ways to earn XP:

XP from Volume

Volume XP is the sum of all your games' entry fees plus Gold Key purchases since Season IV. In particular:

  • Ranked entry fee: 10 Chip = 10 XP
    • For example, for a Ranked game you played without raising, you earn exactly 10 XP
  • Casual entry fee: 100 Sparks = 1 XP
  • Gold Key purchase: purchase value in USD

There is no limit to the number of XP you can earn from volume.

XP from Chip Balance

Deposit Chips to get the same amount of XP up to 2,500. For example, 1,500 Chips in balance yields 1,500 XP.

XP from this source is live updated with your Chip balance.

Status Tiers

Each incremental Status requires a particular amount of XP which is updated across seasons, and each unlocks particular benefits given you have a Season Pass of any level. Higher Status tiers keep previous tier benefits.

  • 5000+ XP -> Super Duper
    • Unlock: +1 starting gold in Ranked
  • 3000+ XP -> Gold
    • Unlock: +1 starting Energy in Ranked
  • 1500+ XP -> Silver
    • Unlock: 100% earn Silver Key if net positive but not highest earner in Ranked
  • 500+ XP -> Bronze
    • Unlock: 50% earn Silver Key if net positive but not highest earner in Ranked
  • 0+ XP -> Iron (no avatar frame in game)

In addition, if you reach 8,000 XP, you will get a one-time Duper Maxi soulbound NFT.